
By Caroline Williams

Biking is integral to Durango’s identity as well as to the identity of many who live here, but as all things outdoors, gear, ability and representation all act as barriers for entering the sport or feeling otherwise welcome in it. 

The Durango Cruiser Ride -- Sure Happy It’s Thursday (S.H.I.T.) ride as I fondly call it -- aims to be the antithesis of the intimidating and often exclusive sport. 

The rides were birthed when a good friend was reminiscing on how much he missed cruising with the Boulder Bike Night crew. In that moment both he and I were inspired to start our own Thursday night cruiser ride to share with the Durango community. Already the ride has taken on many different forms, but as it exists today the Durango Cruiser Ride is a twice-monthly Thursday evening ride intended for everyone. 

Each ride is themed but we’d rather have you come as you are than not at all. Most people are on bike but we encourage blades, boarders and joggers alike. 

This is all to say that the Durango Cruiser Ride is for YOU… and everyone else. Can’t wait to see you there. 

Cruiser Rides take place every other Thursday through the spring, summer, and fall TBD. 

Meet at Rotary @7pm 

Follow @durango.cruiser.ride for dates, details and ride themes!


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