Grab it by the gravel

beta provided by Ryan Brink

The Texas Canyon Loop is a fantastic day ride from Durango into the surrounding area. It starts and ends at the Horse Gulch Trailhead where an old county road takes you up and over a ridge to the Florida River. From here you make your way to another gravel road that takes you out into the county towards Lemon and Vallecito Reservoirs. A climb up Texas Canyon towards Vosberg Peak puts you on Florida Road which can be taken back into town or back to the top of Horse Gulch. This can be extended by going to Bayfield for lunch or going out and back to the reservoirs.

~35 mi

~3500 ft of climbing

Clockwise or counter clockwise is good

Up horse gulch to start and finish

Add mileage to Lemon, Vallecito, or Bayfield


Tool People Doing Tool Bike Things


Why Not Just Drive?