Lose your car keys

Ride your bike!

Sure, it can be kinda hard at first, those muscles you use on a bike aren’t everyday muscles. You might not use them very often, so they might be a little cranky at first. I promise it will get better. Start by just riding your bike a couple blocks to the grocery store, or library, your friend’s house, or wherever is only a couple blocks away. Make the destination fun though, somewhere you want to go. Obviously the grocery store isn’t fun, but it is if you reward yourself with some ice cream or a cookie. Heck, they sell beer at grocery stores now, get yourself a beer. You deserve it. 

Don’t have anywhere to be? Go ride a trail. Go have fun in the mountains or on an in-town trail, just trail it up on a bike. Don’t do it well, or gracefully. Be a mess, fall a bunch, laugh at yourself and get back up. Pedal hard, fast or slow over rocks, past trees, through puddles or snow. Go on adventures, get there by bike. 

Lose the keys to your car. Driving is boring and it makes us all mad with road rage. You don’t get to feel the sun or the breeze inside that metal box. You don’t get to go fast down hills or feel good when you get to the top of one. In cars, you can’t go wherever you want whenever you want. There’s not always a parking spot available for you right up front, and you end up having to walk to where you want to go anyway. You can’t go as fast as you possibly can or want and you have to wait at all the red lights and stop signs in town. You have to pay for gas and sit in traffic and you have to listen to NPR drone on about climate change and growing gas prices. Help the climate, refuse gas prices, lose your keys and ride your bike.

Send it, crush it, flail it or bail it, but when you’re ready to go home, go by bike. Go ride your bike to the bars and then ride your bike home, alone or with a fun stranger. Ride your bike to brunch, and then lunch, then to work the next day. Ride your bike to the gym, ride your bike to your front door and then straight to Netflix, pizza, and couch. Ride your bike to the tops of mountains, maybe even spend the night under the stars while you’re at it. Ride your bike on long dirt roads or to a different town, or even a different state or country. Bring your chamois, wear flip flips, take some photos, but lose your damn car keys and ride your mother freaking bike!  - RYB ←→


You can ride in sandals


Learning to Quit